Farmakas Living

D.A Chalamantoura Investments Ltd, a legal entity registered in the Republic of Cyprus, is the owner and operator of this website The Company, hereafter referred to by its website domain name and/or Farmakas Living operates traditional agrotourism style units and rooms in the village of Farmakas, Cyprus, and provides the information and services offered to you via this website.

Please read the following Privacy Policy carefully. This Privacy Policy section explains what information may be collected via the website, and how it may be used; respecting the privacy of both the website visitor, as well any affiliates and partners, together with any unlawful copyright and misuse of information on the website.

For more information regarding legalities and use/misuse of information on the website please read the Legal Disclaimer.
If anything is unclear or for further information regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact Farmakas Living directly at booking ‘at’
This Privacy Policy applies to all information collected via only.


Farmakas Living is dedicated to protecting the website user’s privacy and safeguarding any personally identifiable information. Farmakas Living uses all information collected/gathered via this website in strict confidence and privacy. It is the company’s policy to respect and protect the privacy rights of visitors to this website, any prospective guest/customer, as well as all partners and affiliates.ANY INFORMATION AND DATA PROVIDED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE WILL BE USED IN STRICT CONFIDENCE, SECURITY AND PRIVACY. ANY COMPANY OR PERSONAL DETAILS SUBMITTED VIA THE ACCOMMODATION CONTACT/BOOKING FORM REQUEST OR DIRECT CONTACT E-VIA MAIL WILL ALSO NOT BE DIVULGED TO ANY OTHER PARTIES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY VERIFIED AND APPROVED PRIOR BY THE SENDER.

What information may be collected through this website:Booking/reservation enquiries for accommodation (units, rooms and houses) in the village of Farmakas, Cyprus, as well as requests for other holiday services can be submitted through this website, but not booked and paid online.Farmakas Living will explicitly ask when requiring further information that personally identifies you or any personal/business information needed to contact you, such as for accommodation booking request/reservation, or for sending general feedback. This might be over email, telephone or other electronic communication.Farmakas Living will use such Personal Information to provide end accommodation and/or holiday services, and if requested, to inform you of new services and offers. Farmakas Living might also use this information to process, validate and verify accommodation reservation requests, and requests for other holiday services.When a user provides information through – such as via the online room enquiry/contact form – Farmakas Living:

  • Does not collect any unnecessary information, nor distribute any information externally without the user’s knowledge or prior consent, nor collect any information without the user’s knowledge or consent.
  • Attempts to store information as securely as possible and does not allow access to this information by external parties unless required by law (for example, if the information is subject to a warrant or subpoena).
  • Any information collected is used solely by authorised Farmakas Living personnel


Farmakas Living may be compelled to disclose a certain amount of information by local law, such as under local or EU court orders or legal notices to produce documents under law.


For statistical purposes Farmakas Living collects information on website activity (such as number of users who visit our website, date and time of visits, number of pages viewed and location, entry page, exit page and links, type of browser, type of device, among other general web browsing statistical information).This information does not identify individuals as such, but it does provide statistics that can be used to analyse and improve the user’s experience whilst on this website. Farmakas Living analyses website traffic trends, which may involve the use of cookies to help improve the overall website experience during a visit and also help improve the end services provided.Various data that may be monitored through the website includes:

  • Standard machine/device identity details (used to visit the website), as is normal and necessary when a user interacts with a website and its server; and
  • ClickStream data on the nature of a user’s visit to the site, including server address, user’s upper domain category (e.g. .com, .org, .net, .cy, .eu, etc.) and thereby origin location, date and time of the visit, path taken to the website (e.g. via a search engine and which one, social media driven traffic, or link from at another site), various pages accessed, route taken through the site, exit pages, exit links, sometimes searched words or terminology performed to find the website (as this may also be encrypted by search engines now), and any documents downloaded.

This type of website traffic observations is standard across most websites on the Internet.